[vc_row attachment=”scroll” fluid=”no” padding=”no-padding” margin=”no-margin”][vc_column align=”” class_type=”md” width=”1/1″ animation=”” animation_delay=”” animation_duration=””][vc_column_text]For Piercings drop in to our studios on a Walk in basis, Our highly Trained professional Piercers will be able to give you that new piercing that you are after. They will be able to advise you on what is the best Piercing for the placement you want.[/vc_column_text][rs_gallery column=”4″ images=”3019,3018,3017,3010,3011,3012,3014,3013,3015,3016,3009,3007,3008,3006,3005,3004,3003,3000,3001,3002″][rs_banner_heading weight=”300″ heading=”ENJOING OUR WORK? BOOK YOUR SELF IN”]